Rob Does Words
Treating fiction poorly since 2019

Recent Updates

Short Form Fiction | Flash

27 March 2024



Read it here.

Short Form Fiction | Flash

11 March 2024


Curiosity is a strong motivator, but you may not enjoy what you find.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction | Flash

03 March 2024

In the Valley

Two men begin to understand their shared destiny.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

24 February 2024


A trek into the jungle brings about a change.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

16 February 2024

A New Beginning

Jerome and Husky start their journey towards ... Something.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

08 February 2024


The change didn't make them better. It made them better.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

31 January 2024

Four of a Kind

Try to deny them. It never works.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

23 January 2024


His exile is lonely, but he is followed by something far worse.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

15 January 2024


It's been too quiet for too long. Where are they?

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

07 January 2024

Death in the Estate

It follows everywhere.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

30 December 2023


You know what they are, but you never say it. Just in case.

Read it here.

Long Form Fiction

30 December 2023

The Island

My original piece of "long" form fiction. Unchanged and reuploaded (at last).

A smidge over 15,000 words of stream-of-consciouness writing I did back in 2016/17

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

22 December 2023


A prelude, of sorts, to a long form piece. Sounds familiar.

Read it here.

Short Form Fiction

14 December 2023

Analysts: The Old Hotel

It isn't often that analysts get to join field agents on a job. They should be fine, though.

Read it here.

Read what I have to say about this piece here, on Substack

Short Form Fiction

06 December 2023


The pyre lit, the call made. Who has the courage to stand under their flag?

Read it here.

Read what I have to say about this piece here, on Substack

Daily Writing

01 December 2023

Nanowrimo Success!

Yesterday brought an end to another year of Nanowrimo, and while I was not working on a single specific work, I did manage to get more than 50,000 words over my daily writing. In fact, I ended up with 52,678 words.

They can all be read under the November 2023 heading here.

Short Form Fiction

28 November 2023

The Bar

No one is prepared for what the storm brings

Read it here.

Read what I have to say about this piece here, on Substack

Short Form Fiction

20 November 2023

Lucid: The Class

Alison is late to her new, strange class. She is not prepared.

Read it here.

Read what I have to say about this piece here, on Substack

Short Form Fiction

12 November 2023

A Man and his Fish

A man named Burt enjoys a quiet evening at home after a day at work.

Read it here.

Read what I have to say about this piece here, on Substack

Short Form Fiction

04 November 2023

An Overture to Conflict

The Author sits and listens to one final story told by the most enigmatic person they have ever met as their armada waits for the opening salvo.

Read it here.

Read what I have to say about this piece here, on Substack

Daily Writing

01 November 2023

Daily words begin!

I have begun on a rather challenging mission of writing and publishing each day. You can check out the daily words here and you can read my commentary over on my brand new Substack here.

Check back each day at random times!


11 October 2023

New website!

I've spent longer than I anticipated on this, but it's here now, my handcrafted brand new website

All of the short form fiction is uploaded and it should all be formatted correctly, if you find anything untoward or inconsistent, feed me some back at (my name) at (this website) and I will fix any errors, or dead links etc.

Weekly updates of the short form fiction will restart in early November.

Long form fiction is currently on hiatus - both in a writing sense and a publishing sense. You can read why on that page.

Fanfiction should be good to go; I've only written two stories for that and they should be available right now. If they aren't, then you can read them over at AO3 - same account.

The Other Projects page will be finished in early November